Categories for Heat Pumps

How to Switch Your Heat Pump from Warm to Cool

July 12, 2018 7:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Heat pumps offer a great deal of versatility as a part of an HVAC system, since they can offer both heating and cooling functionalities. However, if you had your heat pump installed at the beginning of the winter season, you might not be sure how to switch your pump from warm to cool. Learn how to switch the function of your heat pump to achieve a cool and comfortable climate in your home this summer with help from your trusted HVAC contractors in Panama City, FL. Heat pump basics To understand how to effectively use your heat pump, it’s helpful... View Article

Summertime Is the Optimal Time for Heat Pump Repair and Installation!

June 28, 2018 7:10 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s summertime, and temperatures are rising, so heating for your home is probably one of the last things on your mind. However, if there are problems with your heating system or you need to replace your heat pump, the summer is actually the best time of the year to take care of it. Even though you won’t get much use out of your newly-repaired system until the winter months roll back around, you’ll be glad you took care of heating repair in Panama City, FL in the summer to avoid issues later on and ensure that your system can reliably... View Article

Can Installing a Heat Pump Really Save Me Money? Info About Heat Pumps in Panama City, FL

February 28, 2018 7:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you considering installing a brand new heat pump system in your house? You should give it some serious thought—you stand to save a fair amount of money by choosing the heat pump over some of the other available alternatives. Newer systems are much better positioned to provide energy efficient service than older systems. The energy efficiency of heat pumps Even if you continue with your energy usage habits as they currently stand, you could start seeing energy savings of 30 to 40 percent with a new heat pump system. The system is naturally designed to provide greater energy efficiency,... View Article