
Maintaining Your Walk-In Refrigerator with Commercial Refrigeration Services in Panama City, FL

August 28, 2018 6:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Walk-in refrigerators make it possible for businesses to store large quantities of perishable items safely. Commercial refrigerators are responsible from keeping food products safe from bacterial growth that can be caused from exposure to heat. Without these walk-in refrigerators, businesses would run the risk of distributing unsafe food products and would also be vulnerable to fines and citations from health inspectors. As a business owner, it’s essential that you know how to properly care for your commercial refrigeration equipment so that it continues to operate effectively to ensure food safety. Refrigeration Maintenance Tips Wash frequently: You should sweep and mop... View Article

Four Ways Changing Your Air Filter Monthly Can Keep Your Home Cool and Fresh

August 10, 2018 6:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As HVAC contractors in Panama City, FL, if there’s one thing we wish our customers understood about their AC, it would be the importance of changing their air filter. If you’ve ever called us to do maintenance or a repair on your AC system, then you may remember us asking, “When was the last time your air filter was changed?” This isn’t an idle question; it’s very important not only to the health of your AC system, but also to the health and comfort of your family. At Complete Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc., we believe in doing more for... View Article