January 11, 2018 11:37 pm
Published by Writer
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulations for ice just like it does with food and drugs. Ice must be stored and handled like food, meaning ice machines must be regularly cleaned to comply with those regulations. According to food law, ice machines must be cleaned and sanitized at the frequency specified by the manufacturer, which means ideally four times a year (once every three months), but a minimum of twice a year (once every six months). Depending on how much you use the machine, where it’s located and the conditions of the water in your area, you... View Article
December 28, 2017 11:37 pm
Published by Writer
Instead of paying for individual maintenance and repair visits for your HVAC in Panama City, FL, you can opt for a service contract that covers all your air conditioning and heating equipment. These types of contracts typically fall into one of the following categories: Contracts that cover all costs of labor for annual or semiannual visits for routine checks, cleanings and adjustments of your HVAC equipment Contracts that cover all costs of labor for these routine planned maintenance appointments as well as unplanned labor Contracts that cover all costs of labor for maintenance and repair visits, in addition to costs... View Article
December 14, 2017 8:05 pm
Published by Writer
When your heating system isn’t working and you think you need heating repair in Panama City, FL, there are a number of different issues that could be the culprit. In searching for the problem though, many homeowners often overlook the fact that the issue might not be with the heating system as a whole, but with the operation of the thermostat. Here are a few things to be on the lookout for that could signal that it is time to install a new thermostat in your home: Furnace won’t turn on: Typically, when the furnace doesn’t come on, your first... View Article
November 30, 2017 8:05 pm
Published by Writer
As the temperatures continue to drop, it is becoming clearer and clearer that it won’t be long before those chilly days take over and winter fully sets in. That means that the time has come to make sure that your furnace and your entire heating system are ready for the winter. Here are five tips from your local HVAC contractors in Panama City, FL on what you will need to do make sure your furnace is ready to get you through the season: Turn on the thermostat: When it is finally time to transition from the air conditioning to the... View Article