November 14, 2018 2:00 am
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In Florida, we get to enjoy relatively mild weather and warmer days during the winter months. While you won’t have to worry about snowfall, frosty mornings or frigid daytime temperatures, it can still get pretty chilly sometimes, even in Florida. When you start using your heating system to warm up your home, you might notice your energy costs start to spike. While you might not be able to completely avoid an increase in your energy costs, there are things that you can do to mitigate these costs and maximize the efficiency of your HVAC in Panama City, FL. Read on... View Article
October 31, 2018 2:00 am
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In Florida, we have always experienced heavy summer and fall precipitation, but this last storm season was an especially brutal one for many parts of the state. If your home was affected by flooding during the hurricane season, you’re probably still in the process of trying to assess all of your home’s major components and systems to find out the extent of the damage. One of the things that you should check is your HVAC system. HVAC systems often sustain water damage during flooding and heavy storms, and this damage can seriously inhibit their operation. What you should do after... View Article
April 27, 2018 7:30 pm
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When Floridians hear the words “heat pump,” they may immediately think it is something they will not need. After all, who wants more heat in their home during hot, Florida summers? However, the name for heat pump units is a bit misleading. Heat pumps are actually common components of HVAC in Panama City, FL that can both heat and cool your home. What is a heat pump? A heat pump is a refrigeration system comprised of two major units: the indoor air handler and the outdoor heat pump. A compressor circulates refrigerant within the units to absorb and release heat... View Article
March 14, 2018 7:40 pm
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Heat pumps work by drawing energy from outdoor air using refrigerant to bring that air inside and keep your home warm during the winter. During the summer months, however, you can invert this cycle, pushing heat out from your home and cooling the air inside of it. Heat pumps, unlike standard air conditioners and furnaces, offer you a high level of energy efficiency, which helps to keep your energy bills low each month. A variable-speed or inverter heat pump maximizes this efficiency, and minimizes the amount of energy that would otherwise be lost during the refrigerant cycle. Here’s a quick... View Article
December 28, 2017 11:37 pm
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Instead of paying for individual maintenance and repair visits for your HVAC in Panama City, FL, you can opt for a service contract that covers all your air conditioning and heating equipment. These types of contracts typically fall into one of the following categories: Contracts that cover all costs of labor for annual or semiannual visits for routine checks, cleanings and adjustments of your HVAC equipment Contracts that cover all costs of labor for these routine planned maintenance appointments as well as unplanned labor Contracts that cover all costs of labor for maintenance and repair visits, in addition to costs... View Article